
Stress Reduction

Pain Management

Anxiety... Stress.. Chronic Pain.. Headaches...

                 .........Learn to down-regulate..calm.. ease and manage with  behavioral strategies

Help ease these conditons with Biofeedback and behavior therapy.

Biofeedback and behavior therapy helps you to regulate the body systems that are impacting your health. It is a very effective, evidence-based and simple adjunctive treatment to medical care and an excellent option when medications cannot be used or have not helped. It is short-term training that assists you to gain better understanding and control of the mechanisms of anxiety, pain conditions, headaches and stress-related disorders and develop new 're-conditioned' healthier body response patterns.

Many conditions have influences that exascerbate symptoms. Stress, patterns of tension and bracing and deficiencies in coping skills can impact poor health, inflammation and pain. Learning to manage these influences can give you greater control of your health and well-being. As you learn new behavioral coping strategies and self-regulation of body reactivity, you can reduce the need for medications, or improve their effect, be empowered to reduce pain and improve overall quality of life.

I will be happy to talk with you about how these services may assist you!

Biofeedback and Behavior Therapy/ Children-Adolescents-Adults

Offices in Westchester and NYC

203.496.4574 [email protected]

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