Services Provided

Individual treatment for Children, Adolescents and Adults.
Therapeutic Support Groups
Stress Management Seminars and Workshops

Treatment approaches includes:

  • Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
  • Biofeedback
  • Relaxation, meditation and guided imagery
  • Stress and Pain Management

Biofeedback and behavioral strategies for a wide range of emotional and behavioral health issues:

Anger Management
Chronic Pain and Illness
Migraine and Tension Headaches/ Children and Adults
Panic Attacks
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sleep Issues
Relationship issues
Raynaud's Syndrome
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Work and family stresses

  An individualized treatment plan tailored specifically to each client is developed and discussed in the initial assessment session. Collaboration with your physicians and other health care providers is provided, on a regular basis, to ensure a 'team' or coordinated approach to your health care.

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